Ultima IX auf Deutsch

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Ultima IX auf Deutsch is a fan-patch created by Sir John of Die Heimstatt des Sir John. Its purpose is to turn an English installation of Ultima IX into a German one.

The Patch[edit]

This project came into being due to the frustration that Ultima IX was worldwide only sold digitally in the English version, despite the fact that translations do exist. Thus Sir John created a patch that uses the original files from the German retail CDs and applies them to the English game, turning it into a German version. In only very few cases – such as the readout from clocks at the start of the game – could not be translated or changed. Since Version 3.0 slightly modified German files are available optionally. The modified translation adheres to the new spelling rules being in place in Germany since 2004. Also the "History of Britannia" as well as the "Bestarium" have been reworked and corrected. In addition Sir John aligned terms used in game like armaments, creatures and so on with older existing translations.


Installation is simple. Just start the installer and let it do its work. The patch has two versions: one for text only and one that translates everything. It is compatible with the patch 1.19f and the economy patch. (It must be noted though, that the 1.19f patch has a lot of English text hardcoded in the .exe file that might revert some of the German translation again.) The extra patches found on the site also work with it, including the patch 1.19h.


The patch offers the following features:

  • Translation of all the in-game text to German
  • Translation of all the book graphics to German
  • Usage of the German speech files
  • Usage of the German translated cutscenes

Optionally the patch offers:

  • Translation with new spelling rules applied
  • Alignment of object names with older translations
  • Reworked "History of Britannia" & "Bestarium" sections
  • Possibility to apply patch 1.19h by the Forgotten World team

External Links[edit]