Trading Post

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Trading Post
Lc-Trading Post.png
Location of the Trading Post
Located in: Mars
Type: outpost
Visiting the Trading Post

The Trading Post is a human outpost on the Mars of the late 19th century.


This trading post is by everyone considered neutral ground for (even Raxachk waited until Cooter was far away from it). It is located at 13°S 128°W in the hills of Arsia Mons, just south of Olympus. This is the only place on all of Mars, where an adventurer can buy ammunition and supplies, as the only other person willing to trade - William Randolph Hearst in Olympus – only offers junk and weapons.


After stranding on the planet, Buffalo Bill and his associates quickly realized how they could get into an important position when supplies were scarce on Mars and established this outpost near Olympus. Particularly interested in the mineral oxium, both Buffalo Bill and Calamity Jane were willing to trade oxium for various other items, such as ammunition for weapons, warm clothes and various other useful equipment, as well as Martian Berries. Purple berries could also be traded for oxium. Cooter McGee, the Post's main oxium supplier, had gone missing after running afoul of Raxachk, but was later rescued by the Avatar at the request of his colleagues.

Cody, Jane, and McGee returned to Earth once the new space cannon was completed and ready to depart.


The traders' house was small and cramped. We found warm clothes and ammunition, as Miss Burke and Mister Cody allowed us to borrow anything we found in their storage chests. They were very helpful, and gave us all they could to get us started on our quest. They also introduced us to the curious Maritian berries, and gave us a bit of oxium to speed us on our way.



Buffalo Bill Cost
MD-ammo-pistol.gif Pistol rounds (x10) 10
MD-ammo-shotgun.gif Shotgun shells (x10) 20
MD-ammo-rifle.gif Rifle rounds (x10) 30
MD-ammo-elephantgun.gif Elephant gun rounds (x10) 40
MD-ammo-slingstone.gif Sling stones (x10) 5
MD-ammo-arrow.gif Arrows (x5) 10
MD-items-tentfolded.gif Tent (folded) 50
MD-items-tinderbox.gif Tinderbox 15
MD-items-weedkiller.gif Weed killer 30
MD-items-lampoil.gif Lamp oil (1 can) 10
Calamity Jane Cost
MD-thigh-boots.gif Thigh boots 20
MD-sheepskin-jacket.gif Sheepskin jacket 40
MD-work-gloves.gif Work gloves 10
MD-cowboy-hat.gif Cowboy hat 15
MD-items-muffler.gif Muffler 10
MD-wool-pants.gif Wool pants 30
Berry-purp.gif Purple berries (x20) 50
Berry-brown.gif Brown berries (x20) 50
Berry-green.gif Green berries (x20) 50
MD-items-oxiumblobs.gif Oxium (small piece) 15 tkb* Berry-purp.gif
MD-items-oxiumgeode.gif Oxium (large geode) 30 tkb* Berry-purp.gif
These item are bought with purple berries


  • It is entirely possible when not closing the door to the house, that hostile wildlife enters the trading post, killing the inhabitants horribly. That then means a game over.
  • This is the main supply line for all kind of ammunition and supplies.

Locations on Mars
Cities ArgyreElysiumHellasOlympus
Other Locations Abandoned CityCoprates ChasmaLanding SitesLens TowersNoctis Labyrinthus
North Pole LabPower PlantPumping StationSyrtis MajorTrading Post
Face on Mars