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Chaktsaf, from Martian Dreams
Species: martian
Martian Dreams
Location: Elysium
Transcript: Chaktsaf

Chaktsaf is a Martian who inhabited Louis Comfort Tiffany's body for part of the events of Martian Dreams.


Chaktsaf's position was that of Arborist in Elysium's grove, tending to the health of mature martians, as well as contacting the Gatherer for proper distribution of compost (any part of themselves the Martians left behind). The Martian also explained to the Avatar the process of transferring the consciousness of those in the Dream-World to a prepared martian body, noting that the new seedling absorbed the consciousness of the composted soil it was grown in, and if prepared in sterile soil, would have a blank body which a Martian could inhabit.[1]

When the Avatar later freed Louis Comfort Tiffany from his nightmare, Chaktsaf willingly returned his body to him, until a more permanent solution was affected for all the martians.

With the creation of mechanical bodies for the Martians, Chaktsaf returned to Earth on Andrew Carnegie's rocket.


  1. Chaktsaf. Martian Dreams transcriptMartian Dreams. "name, job, arborist, Gatherer, compost, body, barren".